This Ain't A Love Song 

 Every night I remember that evening
The way you looked when you said you were leaving
The way you cried as you turned to walk away
The cruel words and the false accusations
The mean looks and the same old frustrations
I never thought that we’d throw it all away
But we threw it all away.

And I’m a little bit lost without you
And I’m a bloody big mess inside
And I’m a little bit lost without you
This ain’t a love song this is goodbye (ooh)
This ain’t a love song this is goodbye (ooh)

I’ve been lost, I've been out, I’ve been losing
I’ve been tired, I’m all hurt and confusion
I’ve been mad, I’m the kind of man that I’m not
I’m going down, I’ll be coming back fighting
I may be scared and a little bit frightened
But I’ll be back, I’ll be coming back to life
I’ll be coming back to life

And I’m a little bit lost without you
And I’m a bloody big mess inside
And I’m a little bit lost without you
This ain’t a love song this is goodbye (oooh)
This ain’t a love song this is goodbye (ooh)

And you can try (you can try)
And you can try but you’ll never keep me down
And you can try (you can try)
And you can try but you’ll never keep me down

La la la la la la la la la
(I won't be lost, I won't be down)

And I’m a little bit lost without you
And I’m a bloody big mess inside
And I'm a little bit lost without you
This ain’t a love song this is goodbye

It’s alright (It’s alright) cause you can try but you’ll never keep me down
It’s alright (It’s alright) I may be lost but you’ll never keep me down
You can try (you can try) you can try but you’ll never keep me down
You can try (you can try) I know i’m lost but I’m waiting to be found
you’ll never keep me down
you’ll never keep me down
never keep me down 

Scouting For Girls

這週穩坐榜首兩週的Lady Gaga退位,因為本周英國榜上出現的另一首new entry一推出就打到了No.1的位置

它就是倫敦流行搖滾組合Scouting For Girls最新推出的單曲《這不是首情歌》This Ain't A Love Song。

Scouting For Girls這支三人流行搖滾樂隊已經成立五年,2007年推出他們首張樂隊同名專輯一炮而紅,

專輯中的單曲She's So Lovely被好幾個電影和電話節目選作插曲,現在還經常能到處聽得到。

目前Scouting For Girls正準備推出他們的第二張專輯Everybody Wants to Be on TV《人人都想上電視》

 Scouting For Girls正准备推出他们的第二张专辑Everybody Wants to Be on TV《人人都想上电视》

當中收錄的這首單曲This Ain't a Love Song本周率先推出,



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