
2011. 01.15 新購玫瑰

分類     : 矮灌木叢/Bush

細分類  :中輪豐花/Floribunda

育出者:Tom Carruth   國家:美國(United State)    年度:1996 

親本    :           Calico x Roller Coaster
樹型:               株高:75-105公分
花徑               10公分
花色               縞色(絞紋)   花辦數:重瓣30-35瓣 
香味                柑橘類水果強香Strong fruit and citrus
開花性            四季開花
抗病性           易染黑點病 

Just the array of novel colors in every flower can bring a smile to your face…although maybe not as many smiles as its namesake, the late George Burns. But it’s a definite "feel-good" rose; bright cheery ever-changing colors of yellow, deep red, rose pink and cream, big fragrant ruffled flowers, large clean deep glossy green foliage and a fairly compact yet free-flowering plant. Caution, though, an occasional cheap cigar turned into the soil may be required to keep this plant at its best.



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