A White Rose                                            


    The red rose whispers of passion,                 紅玫瑰耳語著熱情,

    And the white rose breathes of love            白玫瑰呼吸著愛;

    O the red rose is a falcon,                            啊,紅玫瑰是隻獵鷹,

    And the white rose is a dove.                        而鴿子,玫瑰的白。

    But I send you a cream-white rosebud           但我給了你乳白花蕾,

    With a flush on its petal tips                       嫣紅於花瓣邊輕泛;

    For the love that is purest and sweetest        只因最純粹最甜美的愛,

    Has a kiss of desire on the lips.                    也任欲望之吻於唇上覆蓋。


    (John Boyle O’Reilly, 1844-1890)


                                                                                 瑪格麗特與粉妝樓 相約於春天的花園中......

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