目前分類:英國泰迪 (142)

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    這不是化妝舞會 ...........

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Best Friend - 西野カナ 

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Westlife--I Lay My Love On You

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If We Ever Meet Again

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Under Pressure -- Jedward

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One Shot - JLS


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Sweet Love

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レミオロメン --「花鳥風月」

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 You would not believe your eyes

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 人類真是奇怪的生物...蓋那麼高的目的何在?  地震時 塌下來比較壯觀?

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 The Saturdays

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   "Off the wall idea lights up the room"             

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即使多了那一天 對你的思念也沒有停止的念頭....

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EXILE-One Love

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